In Tight Budget? Still, You Can Create 5 Types of Marketing Videos

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You have seen many businesses already adopt and work on marketing videos. But you didn’t because you feel creating marketing videos is so expensive and required lots of investment, equipment, expertise, and so on. If you think this then you are wrong and you are holding yourself back to be successful in online marketing.

In this post, I am going to show you 5 types of marketing videos that you can start creating right away on a tight budget without expensive equipment and video-making knowledge.

Through video, an emotional connection to stories makes marketing more effective. Their ability to influence our trust and play on our nostalgia, as well as their ability to provide us with complex information, is very strong. How better to strike that nerve than with video marketing?

create marketing videos in tight budget

Read on to know why, what, and how to strategize a video marketing campaign!

Why Video Marketing is More Important than Ever

The benefits of making online video marketing part of your digital strategy go beyond the fact that it is a rich visual medium.

Quite simply, the statistics paint a compelling picture. Videos are very effective in many different industries, across B2B and B2C, which is why so many companies are making use of them – and why your business should use videos.

  • According to Forbes, 90 percent of customers say product videos help them decide to buy.
  • Animoto reports that 64 percent of people who watch videos are more likely to convert!
  • WYZOWL’s 2020 video marketing report shows that 83% of marketers believe videos help generate leads.
  • The click-through rate for an initial email that includes a video increases by 96%
  • A video is more likely to generate linking domains when embedded, according to research by Moz.
  • Video has proven to be a powerful way to increase this metric, with Hubspot reporting that 80% of marketers cited video as an effective way to increase dwell time on their websites.

Investing in video marketing to gradually climb the steps to online success will reap you tons of benefits if this impeccable number game didn’t yet convince you.

Compelling Benefits of Video Marketing

It’s critical to find new, evolving ways to make your offering stand out in the marketplace against a sea of other marketing messages vying for your prospects’ attention in the fast-paced world we now live in.

The use of video in marketing is nothing new, but it’s now more effective than ever thanks to its tremendous power and effectiveness.

You should get in on the action if you aren’t already! Here are 5 key reasons why video marketing is beneficial to your business if you need more convincing.

Engaging content is what search engines look for. Videos get more page views and are viewed for longer periods than any other content type.

Not to mention, Google’s largest competitor is YouTube. Uploading your video to YouTube and your website will greatly increase your visibility in searches and your opportunity to appear in them.

Additionally, you increase your chances of being found on the internet if you promote your video via social media.

2. Video leads to more leads!

You can use video to connect with your audience and earn their trust by creating a personality for your company or brand video. Product videos help users make decisions 90% of the time.

Video education and information help build trust so the more videos you have, the more you’ll make sure your customers are informed and educated. It will then translate into sales for you.

3. Videos add a star to your email marketing campaign!

It’s getting increasingly difficult to get someone to open your email amid the avalanche of emails we receive.

In your subject line, simply include “video” to increase open rates and decrease non-subscriptions. It is estimated that including video in an email increases click-through rates by 200-300%.

4. Videos lead to high conversion rates!

Hubspot says videos increase conversions by 80% when used on landing pages! By watching a video of a compelling presenter, visitors can be persuaded to convert into leads (or leads into customers!) by looking at the same information instead of reading it.

Video can be a powerful selling tool if it conveys relatable emotions. On top of that, depending on the angle taken, they can serve as tutorials or testimonials!

5. Social media users are suckers for videos!

Viral videos have become commonplace in today’s world. It’s ‘Take My Dinero’ one week, ‘Can We Skip to the Good Part’ the next!

All you need to do is put on these trendy reel sounds, show off your company’s character and showcase your products. And, all your followers will give all their dinero to you!

And, you can’t deny that watching a video is easier than reading text in most cases, right?

When you’re showing customers how to use your product or conveying something hard to express through written words, this is especially effective!

A variety of video types will help you reach your video marketing goals, including how-to videos and demos, as well as case studies and live streaming.

There are dozens of different kinds of videos your organization can create. It’s impossible to say how many possibilities there are in how-to content and live streaming.

You can also approach every type of video in a variety of ways and shoot and share it in different ways depending on the style and the orientation you choose.

Depending on the type of video you choose, you will achieve the goals you set for your campaign.

Using content that covers all the phases of the buyer’s journey from awareness to decision, you can guide prospects along their journey to purchase.

Throughout this section, you’ll learn about 6 types of video content you can make to woo your audience, as well as 6 muses who are great examples of how to create a particular type of video!

1. How-to Videos: Sunny Lenarduzzi

The focus is on getting people from the discovery phase to the delivery phase.

In how-to videos, viewers are shown how something is done. This type of video is one of the most popular types of educational videos. This content can be both informative and entertaining.

The use of question queries in search engines makes it vital to reach out to them (and optimize the content to answer them). Answering important customer questions can be done by creating such a video. 

If you want to keep your viewer moving through the buyer’s journey, you can invite them to download an educational piece of mid-funnel content at the end of the video.

Pro at Creating How-Tos: The YouTube star Sunny Lenarduzzi was born to be one. She’s natural, hilarious, and well-educated, so I bet she’s retaining over 90% of her video audience.

sunny lenarduzzi

Almost 5,000,000 people subscribe to Lenarduzzi’s channel on YouTube, which features video and marketing tips. This shows that Lenarduzzi is creating video content that engages viewers.

She produces a lot of video content that grows her brand, shows her true personality, and focuses primarily on how-to videos for her target audience.

Pro Tips to Create How-Tos

  • Capture interest in your product or service by using customer stories. An employee is much less likely to be persuasive than advice from a successful customer.
  • Deal with industry-specific pain points. You may find it uncomfortable hearing the unvarnished stories of your customers, but they are invaluable.

2. Product & Service Demo Videos: SurveyMonkey

The focus is on providing buyers with the information they need to justify their purchase decision, and generating leads.

Demo videos demonstrate the actual functionality of your product or service in similar ways to explainer videos. Instead of simply telling viewers about a product, product demo videos demonstrate its value.

It is also possible to place videos showcasing the packaging and product, showing customers what to expect when they buy. This can be done in the retail industry or elsewhere with physical products.

Your goal is to show your audience that you understand their world by continuing to nod along as you speak.

Pro at Creating Demos: With detailed visuals of SurveyMonkey’s features and benefits, this product demo is nearly two minutes long, and also offers a walk-through of the product interface.

The video illustrates the simplicity of sending a survey using SurveyMonkey. You can even see how it integrates with Slack as well.

From the sign-up process through sending the survey, you will see how easy SurveyMonkey is to use.

Pro Tips to Create Demos

  • Choosing a variety of employees to represent your YouTube brand is a good strategy if you’re a B2B business building a YouTube brand.
  • Storytelling is an invaluable skill. World audiences have long been fascinated by it. Your product demo video should have an intriguing premise to capture the viewer’s attention.

3. Case Study or Customer Testimonial Videos: Adestra

Buyers consider whether you solve their specific pain points at the justification and evaluation stages of the funnel.

Case study videos constitute one of your most valuable video types. Customers are often seeking out customer testimonials on websites when they are searching for B2B products.

Video testimonials are a great way to showcase how your solution can be used in a wide range of industries and a great way to get endorsements from other business people.

Also, it must solve common customer problems, as well as provide customer success (even after the sale).

The power of B-roll should never be overlooked while creating a testimonial video. Do not ask the typical question and answer. Make your customers the stars of the story.

Pro at Creating Testimonials and Case Studies: Customer Hope Horner, CEO of Lemonlight, explains why she chose Adestra over the competition because of the unparalleled customer support she receives from Adestra.

Adestra’s use for her business and how it benefits her customers are explained by her.

Getting a good understanding of how your prospects use your product will make it easier for them to understand how it works, and what it can do for them.

These types of details are often left out of testimonials by some brands, but they’re losing out. You have an opportunity to demonstrate all the ways that your brand shines, so why not share all the details?

Pro Tips to Create Video Testimonials

  • Start the process with an idea of what you will discuss. The testimonial will yet sound artificial when using a script.
  • It’s easy to get carried away with video testimonials with all the best practices listed above. You should keep it short after editing, though. Try to keep the video to less than three minutes.

4. Webinar Videos: Ahrefs

Build a targeted email list of prospective clients by educating them about issues relevant to your industry.

Webinars are considered digital events by most companies as they consist of virtual registrants watching the webinar (which generates leads for them).

The dates and times of prerecorded webinars can be chosen by users just like standard webinars.

It’s also possible to embed them in your blog posts, resource hubs, or landing pages on your organization’s website.

Prepare your new webinars so they can be repurposed from the start. Creating bite-sized video clips for use in content marketing programs can make your webinar easy to shave down into bite-size videos.

These videos can act as stepping stones along the buyer’s journey if you map them to the questions your buyers are likely to have as they explore your product.

Pro at Creating Webinar Videos: You might be able to invite them to share their experience with your product if you already have a loyal clientele, just like Ahrefs did.

They have made a complete course that shows step-by-step how to use their tool. Creating valuable content and promoting products can be combined in this webinar example.

Ahrefs presents options as part of a larger picture rather than simply talking about the options. As part of their product, Ahrefs also offers solutions that can be implemented immediately.

Pro Tips to Create Webinar Videos                                 

  • You can improve customer loyalty and engagement with screen shares and these how-to tutorials.
  • Put the customer’s pain point at the forefront of your titles.
  • Get back to customers quickly with questions or comments.
  • Record the webinars and post on Youtube as well.

5. Video Emails: Make Up For Ever          

An email has long been one of the most important marketing channels for brands. The end of the email has been predicted over and over. However, why? As an owned channel, it’s powerful.

The power of email is amplified by video. You can generate more marketing conversions by including videos in your email. Engaging and effective, videos are among the most popular marketing channels today.

Rich media emails are hard to ignore because of the rich media format. Viewers love video because it adds value to emails. Emails of all types can incorporate video.

Pro at Creating Video Emails: Make Up For Ever’s email marketing campaign has me on the verge of obsession.

What’s the favorite aspect of it? Seeing real women test new makeup products in Makeup For Ever’s emails gives one a good sense of what products the receiver is likely to enjoy the most.

Perhaps you should invite your email subscribers to pre-launch your new product through email marketing in the upcoming quarter.

In the case of a chat flow bot being launched as part of a CRM update, announce it first via email. This way, loyal customers can promote your product by sharing it with their friends.

Pro Tips to Create Video Emails

  • You’ll get greater results from embedding the video thumbnail and linking to the landing page within your email.
  • Embed a catchy e-invitation video in your email. Email is a good method for promoting events because it feels like you are sending an invitation directly to people’s mailboxes.

Don’t forget: Whichever type of video content you choose from the 5 I have mentioned above, stick to it for a few months.

Change it if doesn’t relate with your audience after 3 to 6 months. Lastly, consistency is the key!

How to Strategize a Video Marketing Campaign

Are you aware that 33 percent of online time is spent watching videos? Not to mention the fact that over one billion hours of video are viewed every day on YouTube.

You need to create a video marketing strategy if your prospects watch videos and nearly all of your competitors publish videos. Here are three steps that will help you reach your goal.

1. Set Your Goals

Any marketing strategy should begin with defining your goals. For instance:

  • Spreading awareness
  • Conversion rate increase
  • Retaining customers

Three different strategies, formats, and messages will be required to achieve each goal.

You may decide that creating videos that are embedded in your product pages, sales pages, or even your blog is the best option if you seek to increase conversions.

By showcasing customer stories, you should make the channel focus more on conversions if you want to create one.

You should upsell your current customers if you want to improve customer retention and increase customer loyalty. Creating explainer videos about your product might be a good idea (especially if your product is complex).

2. Decide on a format

Pick one format that meets your goals, and stick with it. You will find it difficult to establish an audience if you try to do interview-based videos, followed by user-generated content, followed by five-minute tips videos, since audiences may enjoy some videos, but not others.

Consider using one format for a while and then try it with another. If you are still on the fence, add in a video in the other format you are considering.

You might consider including more of that format in your program if you find it performs better.

However, multiple types of formats can work for B2B organizations, including interviews/Q&As, webinars, and how-tos/tutorials.

3. Implement

Put your plan into action!

Own an iPhone? Get started recording this week! Your video can be professionally recorded and edited as you gain traction.

However, for now, the most important thing is to get started. In the future, you might also upgrade your cameras.

It may be a good idea to hire a freelancer on Upwork to edit the video for you if you don’t have a large budget to spend on video!

A Chamber of Secrets for Super-Successful Video Marketing Strategy

Video is now a channel that marketers cannot afford to overlook.

Why do some videos stand out from others? How do you keep viewers interested? A story? Okay!  A funky jingle-jangle? Uh-uh. Upbeat music? Right! Animation? Maybe!

I think it all boils down to making sure you are in the right place at the right time. Creating compelling video content isn’t hard when you know these 6 secrets.

My goal is to help you when it comes to planning and producing video content. Let’s dive right in!

1. Be smart with your first few seconds

Online, people have short attention spans. An average of 8.5 seconds is now the attention span online.

A successful video must engage people as they scroll through their newsfeeds to instantly grab their attention.

You should give the viewer an idea of what your video is about in the first couple of seconds and reassure them that watching it is worth their time!

2. Put a hook in place

Start your video with a hook to get people’s attention. In a video, a hook is a glimpse into what will take place in the next few seconds. This tip is just what you need to implement the previous one!

3. Create a compelling thumbnail

You can add a thumbnail to your video on both Facebook and YouTube. Using thumbnails for your video is one of the most effective ways to get viewers’ attention before it starts playing.

If you create your video thumbnail carefully, it can increase your play rates as well as improve your social media marketing success.

A blurry, motion-filled photo is not a good thumbnail. You want the thumbnail to convey the quality of your video. Try to choose a frame that exhibits crisp, clear visuals.

Thumbnails can show viewers what will occur in the video and tell them what to expect.

4. Incorporate CTAs

You should include calls to action (CTA) in your video content when making it.

No rule says CTAs must lead directly to a sale or sign up. Video CTAs may include:

  • Become a subscriber
  • Like your page / Follow you
  • Spread the word
  • Watch the video and leave a comment
  • See more content on your page

Experiment with CTA placements throughout your video content to see which works the best!

There are more than 3 billion searches performed per month on Google and YouTube. Google’s search volume is almost four times higher than YouTube’s volume. More than 2 billion searches are being conducted on Facebook each day.

So, video content that isn’t optimized for search could lose out on a lot of views!

Try to include keywords in the description, just as you should in the title. You want to make sure your description doesn’t just sound like a bunch of keywords but rather tells a story about what’s in the video!

6. Tell stories, not sell

You had to rent space within a popular media channel such as TV or print if you wanted someone to see your advertisement before the rise of social media. Nowadays, brands are directly able to reach the same audience through social media platforms. Advertising (branded content) instead of interrupting entertainment competes with it.

Your video must provide some kind of value to the viewer if you want it to be watched. A video devoted solely to promoting a brand or driving sales is highly unlikely to be watched.

Videos that connect with viewers are those that tell stories. You are more likely to convince your viewers that you’re offering something they can take advantage of if you tell them stories about yourself!

The Endnote

Video content is a huge opportunity for brands to engage their audiences, but brands that don’t use it will also lose ground to their competitors.

Getting started and earning attention isn’t difficult despite popular belief. A simple phone with a good camera can still get you started.

You can start producing video content that offers real value for your viewers when you develop a strategy that considers your brand, your audience, and your goals. That’s what drives conversions and sales!

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About Sudesh Roul

Sudesh RoulHi there, I'm Sudesh Roul, a video creator, and certified marketer from Kolkata, India. Here I share photo animation, video creation and marketing tips, YouTube tutorials, online service and software reviews to guide you in making an informed purchase and growing online. You can consider reading my blog regularly to scale your photo and video creation journey and their marketing. Connect with me on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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