11 Reasons and Benefits of Having a YouTube Channel for Biz

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I am going to discuss 11 reasons and benefits of having a YouTube channel in 2024. Because… In 2024, if you were stuck anywhere in your work or looking for entertainment, where would you first visit?

There is no doubt that your smartphone already has a dedicated space for YouTube where you can view any video that you want, irrespective of the place where you are living.

YouTube was launched in the year 2005, and since its commencement, YouTube has started taking a good amount of storage in smartphones and people’s lives.

With more than 122 million active users that this platform gets daily, you can stay assured that when you are using YouTube, you are going to leverage the user number of users.

reasons and benefits of having a youtube channel

11 Reasons and Benefits of Having a YouTube Channel

Whether you are a business or an individual, everyone who has the efficacy to create compelling video content will be able to reach the maximum number of users.

If you have not started your YouTube channel yet and thinking about starting a channel in 2024 would be a good decision or not, then you can stay assured that the benefits will still be overwhelming.

So without any further ado, let us take a look at the reasons why YouTube can be a great platform for both individuals and businesses.

Reason 1: You get a platform to educate about your product and service

Whether you are an individual or a business, you have to first educate your customers or viewers about the products or services that you are offering. Your video needs to be detailed so that they can get guidance about the way they will be benefitted when they take your products or services.

You can create a proper script and offer knowledge to your customers in a storytelling manner. Remember that video is one of the easiest ways to reach your customers.

However, you have to keep one single ingredient in mind that your video is relatable. There is a need for your viewers to relate to what they are watching, and only then will they think of buying your product or taking your service.

What are the benefits?

  • This way, you will find that more people are coming to your main website
  • You start becoming popular among your audience for the contents
  • Your main website starts getting the traffic it needs
  • You eventually start getting business from your video promotion on YouTube

Can We Connect on YouTube?

Reason 2: You will be able to acquire relevant traffic from YouTube

Whether you are an individual or a business, we all know how hard it is to become visible, especially in the current market. Amidst the crowd of many, this has now become exceptionally challenging for people to acquire the position that they want.

However, there is always a shortcut when you have YouTube. If you have the skill to create a great video that elaborates on your services or products, you can stay assured that you will get the viewers.

Reaching customers becomes a bit less challenging when you start sharing your video on YouTube. With the huge number of active users and using marketing tricks smartly, you can start watching traffic.

All you need is to put your website link properly to redirect them to your main website.

What are the benefits?

  • When you get more traffic to your website, it improves the number of conversions
  • You will be able to reach the targeted market by engaging the right audience on YouTube
  • You can go ahead of the competitors by engaging with more people
  • You can retain your customers by offering appealing videos for them to watch

Reason 3: You will be able to build better relations with viewers

The reason why videos have become widely popular among marketers as it is the only reason by which marketers can create relations with their viewers and businesses through their collaborations.

You must know that when you start building a relationship with your viewers, you are actually encouraging them to convert into loyal customers.

All you will need is to make sure that you are creating a video after understanding the needs of your viewers. You have to closely analyze the number of views that are taking place in the videos and the comments.

Creating a video that is mostly based on viewers can be a great choice for your business.

What are the benefits?

  • Creating a good video improves the trust factor
  • It improves the chances of referring more customers
  • You will be able to connect with your customers at the personal level
  • It improves the chances of improved conversion

Reason 4: It can become a New and great source of revenue

One of the prime reasons that have actually encouraged so many YouTubers to start their career on YouTube is that it can become a stable way of earning.

Even when you are offering videos for marketing and getting viewers, when you are getting a large number of viewers, you can be approached by many brands to give their ad on your video.

From Google AdSense, you will be able to earn a good amount. The reality is that thousands of channels make almost 6 figures in a year. This has encouraged more content creators to show up and earn through YouTube.

When your viewer sees the video ads and watches the ad, you will be getting paid. The percentage is, however, determined by the brand and YouTube.

What are the benefits?

  • This has become a great source of earnings for individuals and businesses
  • You will be able to showcase your products or service in a better manner
  • You get a great way to channel the audience to your blog or website
  • You get an extra way of earning

Reason 5: You will be able to create solid trust among your customers

When you are creating a great video for your marketing, all you need to do is get viewers. Whether you are a business or an individual, you must know that videos are one of the simplest and easiest ways to make your customers understand you.

Videos are something where they can get a view of the services or products; This is, therefore, a good way to gain the trust of your valuable customers.

So the more you create videos where you will make them understand more about you, they tend to gain their trust.

What are the benefits?

  • You will be able to get more customers
  • More number of customers will get to know about you
  • This can play a great role in improving the revenue
  • Your page will become a source of knowledge for them

Reason 6: You become an influencer, and businesses can create a Brand Image

When you keep posting informational videos about some products or your products, your videos become a good way for them to get better details.

Thus, with more information, you soon become a good source for your viewers whenever they need to find valuable information about the product.

If you are an individual, posting such content every time can make you an influencer. But if you are a business, you are able to gain trust by offering informational content about your products.

This is a great way to gain the trust of your valuable customers. However, you have to keep in mind one thing, and that is to post information that your customers need.

What are the Benefits?

  • You will be able to get fame from your channel
  • If you have a business and you are offering information about your products, you will be able to get more business
  • You will become a face for your customers
  • You get the trust of your viewers, and that makes you an influencer

Reason 7: You will be able to reach a large audience from the big YouTube Family

YouTube can be a great choice for people who are new in the market. Since YouTube is itself a big family that has a huge number of active viewers, leveraging the gigantic viewers available here can make new businesses and individuals gain the eye of the people.

Being a new face in the market, it is very hard to acquire the eyes of the viewers. Even if you have knowledge of marketing, you will not be able to gain viewers as fast as YouTube can give you.

More than 2 billion active users on YouTube make it easy for any business or individual to achieve their goals.

What are the benefits?

  • You can leverage the huge number of users from the YouTube family
  • You can use tactics to redirect the audience to your website or blog
  • You can improve the market presence
  • You can easily achieve the marketing goals

Reason 8: Create an Email List

One of the major benefits of using YouTube, especially for business, is that you get the ability to create an email list. If you are able to create engaging and valuable content, you will definitely get the ability to create an email list that can be beneficial for you.

You have the freedom to use software that can be embedded with the signup form. This can be done directly from YouTube videos.

It can be done in a way that you can stop your video temporarily, and they can sign up using an email address to subscribe.

This can be a beneficial and simple approach to creating your email list along with offering engaging video content.

What are the benefits?

  • You will be able to improve the subscribers on your blog
  • You will improve the number of viewers
  • You are helping your customers to find you every time they need

Reason 9: Improve content to boost Google Ranking by embedding your videos

If you have a blog page where you have many blogs created, but you are looking for ways to get indexed faster, then embedding your video from YouTube can be one of the fastest and simplest ways.

Since videos have more demand in the market and viewers are looking for videos more than content, this is definitely a great way to promote,

Whether you have videos or wish to create one, you need to make sure that you are creating videos according to your content. This helps you in several ways.

 What are the benefits?

  • Get raking faster on Google
  • Offer details to your readers and viewers
  • You get people who love reading as well as who are fond of videos

Reason 10: YouTube Video Rank fast and show early in Google SERP

In the Google search results, you will find that images, videos, news, and others are blended equally together so that people can get relevant information.

If you notice, then you will find that videos are the ones to appear in the search results on Google. Thus, the simplest way for you is to create high-end content and make videos as per the content.

As video gets indexed faster than web content, it can be a good way for you to get visible. This will result in creating backlinks from the site.

Using YouTube in your marketing strategy improves the website’s authority. When your site has more authority, Google keeps an eye on you and helps you to appear in the ranks.

What are the benefits?

  • Improves your domain authority
  • Video index faster, and your contents get more visibility
  • Your viewers get complete information – something they can read and watch
  • Improves the number of loyal customers

Reason 11: Repurposing content (Article to video)

If you have content on your website, you can start making better use of it by creating videos from the. Using the video creation software, you will be able to give new meaning to your content by converting them into videos.

Since videos have more demand in the market, the more you start creating videos from content, the more it is able to acquire relevant traffic.

So if you feel that your content is not being viewed, it is a good choice to convert them into video and use it for your purpose.

What are the benefits?

  • You make better use of your content
  • You get to make use of the YouTube viewers
  • You can enjoy better traffic from YouTube

Tricks to create a compelling video for YouTube

So now that you have gained information about the multiple benefits of using YouTube in your marketing approach, let us find out the ways you can create videos.

Making compelling videos requires you to follow some steps. If you are new, then check out these steps.

  1. Make a plan for your videos
  2. Write a proper script
  3. Gather the images you need
  4. If you plan to shoot your video, gather the footage
  5. Organize the footages
  6. Edit the videos using the video editing software
  7. Choose your music
  8. You can also give a voiceover to make it even more realistic
  9. Preview and publish your video


Why should I start a YouTube channel?

There are several reasons for starting a YouTube channel which I have mentioned above, and one of the prime benefits is that video is popular, and YouTube is a huge platform with millions of followers and viewers.

Leveraging the potential of YouTube can be highly productive for both businesses and individuals. It can be said as a shortcut to getting visibility.

How do YouTubers get paid?

YouTubers get paid when people see the advertisement or overlay or display that has been given on their videos. This is the reason why when someone can have a huge number of viewers or subscribers on their channel, they get more revenue.

Generally, YouTubers can earn from $3 to $5 for 3000 views on average, which means more views, and more earnings.

How much money do 1 million YouTube views make?

If you are in India, you can make from Rs 7000 to Rs 30,000 for 1 million views on your videos (depending on the video topic). Thus, the larger your views, the better will be your earnings.

What equipment do you need to start a YouTube channel in 2024?

If you wish to start your YouTube channel, you will need a smartphone, or a camera, or a webcam along with a microphone. You would need a rim light to make sure that everything is properly visible.

What is the difference between video editing and creation software?

You will find many video tools available in the market that can make video editing and creation much simpler and more convenient. However, you need to keep in mind one thing, and that is that video editing software is solely meant for editing videos.

It has features that would help you to edit the video, like adjusting colors to crop and trim, etc., whereas, with video creation software, it is different.

Video creation software would offer you the premade template along with the tools that would help you to bring every piece together and create a fantastic video for your business or your channel.

Final Verdict

Now that you know in detail about the way YouTube can be beneficial for your business, you should start leveraging its ultimate benefits.

All you need is to make sure that you are creating an attractive piece of video content using a good video creation tool and enjoy the several advantages.

Check out my best YouTube tools list and consider starting your YouTube channel Today.

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About Sudesh Roul

Sudesh RoulHi there, I'm Sudesh Roul, a video creator, and certified marketer from Kolkata, India. Here I share photo animation, video creation and marketing tips, YouTube tutorials, online service and software reviews to guide you in making an informed purchase and growing online. You can consider reading my blog regularly to scale your photo and video creation journey and their marketing. Connect with me on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.